“I’m turning 40 this year and for most of adulthood, after college, I’ve seen my weight get worse as my metabolism has slowed down, and as my activity slowed down when I started a desk job. And for a long time I tried to tackle it on my own. I’m going to run, I’m going to go paleo, I’m going to do CrossFit. And all of those things petered out pretty quickly without getting any results. And it was frustrating. As I think about getting older and what I want the rest of my adult life to be like, I don’t want to just continue to be unhappy with myself, unhappy with how I feel, with what my physical capabilities are and decided let’s actually do something about it instead of just half-assing some stuff here and there. And so I reached out because I wanted to actually get some results.”

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I’m down 25 pounds. I just generally feel better in terms of my general energy levels and just kind of motivation for life, basically. It just takes a lot less of trying to will myself to do something no matter what it is, even if it’s something that I would consider fun, like going on a hike or something, it’s a lot less of a mental buildup to say, okay, I’m going to do this now. It’s just like, sure, yeah, I’m ready, let’s go. But also just day-to-day life stuff too, chores and things like that. I just feel more motivated and just feeling better as a person basically, which I didn’t really anticipate. I just thought I would slim down and look a little better and maybe not get so tired walking uphill.

But beyond that, there’s been all kinds of great benefits that I didn’t really expect. 

Marc Heinzman

“Maybe even the biggest change is the mindset shift that I didn’t really expect going into it. When we started, I thought maybe you’d be like, here’s your diet, here’s your exercise plan, and you got to stick to it and you’ll see results. But for me, the biggest part of it was really just the work that we did to talk about why do I actually want to do this? If I say I want to lose weight or have a flat stomach or whatever, but why? What’s the motivator for getting there and really making me sit and think about what’s the lifestyle I want to have, not only today, but five years from now, 10 years from now, 30 years from now.

And I think that’s been the biggest change for me because it’s actually giving me something really tangible to work towards and to hold onto and not just do this for a while. It’s gotten me just kind of thinking differently about how I conduct myself in the world, whether not even related to necessarily eating or exercise, but just day-to-day life. My mind shift has changed that way, and that’s been huge for me probably. I love that.”


entrepreneur fat loss


1. IDENTIFIED BIGGEST OBSTACLES: Two week honeymoon trip to Morocco and Portugal, as well as 1 work trip each month beyond. In past these would be falling down points, where routine drops, backslides on progress.

2. TRAINING: Phase 1: ->  1.5 Month Leveraged 3X Full Body Workouts Each Week, using Progressive Overload

Example Strength Improvements: Split Squat +114%, Bench Press +238%, Staggered B Stance Dead +23%, Overhead Pulldown +30%

Phase 2:  Shifted to Upper/Lower 4 Day Split 2.5 Months (based on volume outcomes and rates of changes during Phase 1). 

Example Strength Improvements: Reverse Lunge +56%, B-Stance Deadlifts +21%, Incline Press +38%, Kneeling Mid Row +90%, Seated Shoulder Press +47% 

* workouts performed on Tonal Machine percentage changes reflective of that device.

3. TRAVEL WORKOUT PLAN: During travel, supplemented w/ 15 minute hotel workouts.

4. NUTRITION: Initially leveraged Photo Food Journalling, and a Hand Measured Portion Control Strategy to Audit Nutrition. 

5. STEP-COUNT: Occasionally supplemented daily step count during non training days with rucks.

6. KPIs TRACKED: Workout data, photo food journal, daily weight checks, average daily step count, average hourly nightly sleep, weekly alcohol consumption, monthly circumference measurements and progress photos.



"What I really appreciated about this whole process is your kind of whole philosophy working with me has been oriented around not making fitness your lifestyle, but having your fitness enable the lifestyle you want. 

And that's been huge for me, recognizing that life is always messy. You're always busy, you always have stuff going on, and so that you have to work through those things and not let them be the excuse to then completely falling apart with what you're trying to accomplish.  

I think I was maybe 5, 6, 7 weeks into it and I kind of realized like, wait, am I doing this right? Because I didn't feel completely sore and tired. I didn't feel like I was spending my entire evening after work in the gym. I didn't feel like I was on this incredibly restrictive diet, but I was seeing the results I wanted to see. But it was kind of like just the experience wasn't aligning with what I expected because I thought I'd be feeling like I was working a lot harder than I actually was. 

So to kind of realize I've been able to work out for less than 30 minutes three to four times a week and still eat a pretty reasonable, pretty varied diet and feel good, and seeing all these positive results has been really surprising."